This family drama revolves around Latiaozi, a farmer who works hard to make a meagre living and lives with his wife, Jinzhizi.
When the couple learn that their son has been convicted of a crime and been instructed to pay a heavy fine, they decide to help him. Somehow, they scrape together 50,000 Yuan and request the most successful man in their town, Li Datou to help them get a recommendation so that their son's penalty may be reduced.
However, Li Datou cheats them of everything and despite Latiaozi's best efforts to go to the villain's house and try to retrieve their money, he fails miserably. On his way back home, Latiaozi meets a homeless man whom he tries to help.
Unwilling to abandon him on the streets, Latiaozi brings him home and lets him spend the night in the sheepfold, but this sparks a set of complex and inexplicable events. What will the future hold in store for Latiaozi and his family?