Embedded with humour and insight, this coming-of-age saga revolves around seven friends: Varun, Akshay, Kuppi, Gautham, Diya, Darshana and Devika, who study together in an engineering college. Gautham (Roshan Mathew) is the lead singer of a rock group and much sought after by other women students.
On the other hand, he has eyes only for his lady love Devika (Annu Antony). Akshay (Thomas Matthew) has been utterly smitten since Day 1 of college by the feisty, chirpy Diya (Siddhi Mahajankatti). Varun (Arun Kurian) is an obsessively hard-working type. Darshana (Anarkali Marikar) is an artist who barely speaks a word. And Kuppi (Vishak Nair) is an easygoing, sociable, popular guy.
When they all journey together on a college trip to Goa and Hampi while on their college trip, they will experience a complex sequence of events, that will teach them the life lessons and help them understand the intricacies of love and friendship.