This socially relevant drama revolves around Abhiroop Sen (Rituparno Ghosh), a Delhi-based transgender documentary filmmaker, whose bisexual lover is the cinematographer Basu (Indraneil Sengupta) of the film. They visit Kolkata to make a documentary on the life of the real-life legendary jatra actor Chapal Bhaduri, who in his heyday was known as 'Chapal Rani', noted for his portrayal of female roles on the stage at a time when women did not perform on stage.
Initially Abhiroop Sen has to face some difficulties to start the documentary, as he is a transgender. But with Chapal Bhaduri's support Abhiroop starts the shoot. During the course of the shoot, Abhiroop feels himself in the position of Chapal Bhaduri.
This insightful tale delves into a comparison between Abhiroop's intimate relationship with Basu/Kumar (Indraneil Sengupta), who is married to Rani (Churni Ganguly) and Chapal Bhaduri's (Rituparno Ghosh) relation with Kumar (Indraneil Sengupta), who is married to Gopa (Churni Ganguly). Close inter-personal relationships are explored as Abhiroop gets attached to Uday and Chapal Bhaduri to Thushar, both played by Jisshu Sengupta.
Sensitive social concepts about homosexuality, the mental trauma faced by transgenders, the stigma they face from society and painful rejection they endure from other men, are all highlighted through the twists and turns in the present life of Abhiroop Sen and past life of Chapal Bhaduri.