This action-oriented revenge drama revolves around Yogendra alias Yogi (Mohan Babu), a brilliant young man who tops the Indian civil service examinations. He is the son of Panduranga Rao, a righteous and highly respected High Court judge, who has earned many enemies in his career as he has put many criminals in prison.
A powerful politician Dunnapothula Janardhan Rao who was sent to prison by Panduranga Rao in a corruption case targets Yogi as revenge. He accuses Yogi in a murder case, fabricates evidence in such a way that his own father is forced to sentence him to 6 years in prison.
When Yogi is released from prison, he learns that Dunnapothula Janardhan Rao has passed away, but his son Dunnapothula Dharma Rao follows in his footsteps and rekindles the enmity.
in a strange twist a beautiful young woman Thulasi (Seema), comes forward with the scandalous claim that she is Panduranga Rao's illegitimate daughter. At first, Yogi is shocked and furious, but when he learns the legitimacy of the claim he becomes a protective elder brother. Even as Yogi tries his best to mend fences between his father and Thulasi and get his father to publicly reveal the truth, Thulasi is found brutally murdered and Panduranga Rao is implicated in the murder. Now it is up to Yogi's close friend and leading criminal lawyer, Jagan to expose the truth and prove Panduranga Rao's innocence.