specificSuspenseful and scintillating, this contemporary thriller revolves around Adhyan, a capable young man who lives in Japan. Having fallen in love with a woman from Chennai, whom he met online through social media, Adhyan takes the bold decision of travelling all the way to India to meet her.
However, after reaching Chennai, he becomes disoriented due to severe jetlag. Despite his struggles, he continues his attempts to meet the girl of his dreams, but the task is not straightforward. He is taken by a driver to an apartment that is haunted. Unfortunately for him, his hapless condition is noticed by a group of criminals, who target him and turn him into a victim.
The gangsters cannily frame him for a fake encounter that lands in into deep danger. Will Adhyan succeed in shaking off his jetlag before his life comes under threat? Can he cleverly escape from the clutches of the criminal gang? Will he be able to find his girlfriend and unite with her?