Suspenseful and scintillating, this crime thriller follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Anuradha Verma, a reputed criminal lawyer. However, when her innocent daughter is kidnapped, Anuradha becomes vulnerable and is forced to become the pawn in the hands of a clever and watchful criminal, who forces her to defend a convicted felon, charged with brutally raping and murdering a young woman.
The abductor watches Anuradha's every move, forces her to comply and orchestrates a perfect crime by outwitting the police. Anuradha's friend Yohan, a suspended policeman with disregard for old rules, is too tangled up in his own mess to help her. The prosecutor is a longtime rival who is determined to defeat Anuradha professionally. Anuradha has only seven days before the trial ends and race against time and corruption to save her daughter. Will she succeed in exposing the real truth while saving her daughter?