This insightful psychological drama revolves around the life of Kannamma, and excitable but innocent young woman, who enjoys the beauty of life all around her. Aravind, a talented dance master and choreographer from a wealthy background meets Kannamma, falls in love with her and the couple get married despite being from different economic strata.
Ananthi, Aravind's long-term associate warns him that the marriage would not be a happy one, but Aravind does not pay any heed, thinking that she must be speaking in jealousy. However, with mistreatment from Aravind's family and lack of awareness and sensitivity from Aravind himself, Kannamma begins becoming mentally unstable, to the extent that she begins losing her ability to distinguish between reality and illusion. Will Kannamma receive proper medical treatment in time? Will Aravind choose to stay within the marriage and help Kannamma or seek divorce?
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