This multi-layered romantic drama revolves around Muthyalu, a fearless young man who never hesitates to stand up for justice and the rights of vulnerable segments of society. Rekha is a wealthy and arrogant young woman who ill-treats everyone, and Muthyalu is the only one who stands up against her. Muthyalu is in love with Radha, a college student, but she is in love with her instructor, Ramakrishna.
When Muthyalu comes to know that Radha and Ramakrishna are in love and would like to get married, he sacrifices his love and begins working towards uniting them.
Rekha's mother is the owner of the college that Radha and Rekha study in and Ramakrishna works there. When Rekha misbehaves in the college, Ramakrishna throws her out of the class. She complies, but later complains to her mother and has him fired from his position. Muthyalu decides to marry the arrogant Rekha to teach her a lesson and to ensure that Ramakrishna gets his job back. Will he succeed in making Rekha recognise the error of her ways and inspire her to become a good person? Will Rekha understand the true meaning of marriage and learn to love Muthyalu?