By turns funny and frightening, this offbeat tale revolves around an underworld don Gangaram (Satya Prakash), whose life is on a limb with the police closing on him from all sides. Surmising that his end is near, he successfully undertakes the Mrityunjay Sankalp from Malabar Baba, a powerful religious practitioner and becomes supposedly immortal. However, he is only allowed to use his knowledge when his life is threatened. According to Malabar Baba, in the last moments of death, if he places his hand on a person or a thing, his soul will transmigrate into that entity and he will survive.
Gangaram chants the mantra before he can fall prey to the bullets of the CID officer Mahesh (Suman) in a post office, and enters the only thing that is available nearby: a doll. Ram Babu (Rajendra Prasad), a ventriloquist who receives the doll as a present from his cousin Sowmya (Jayalakshmi) in the US, is baffled by the doll's mysterious behavior. Everyone thinks that Ram Babu is himself miming to make merry as is his wont, and that only makes things difficult for Ram Babu. The only one apart from him who knows the truth is the perpetrator inside the doll.
The objective of Gangaram in the guise of the doll is to wrest control of the underworld and put an end to the CID officer, and Rambabu gets entangled in its dirty doings and lands in jail. Can Ram Babu defeat the doll's machinations? Will he find some way to eradicate Gangaram's sinful spirit?