Suspenseful and scintillating, this fast-paced crime thriller follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Pavan/Anjaneyulu, a responsible young man who lives in Hyderabad and is gainfully employed at HMTV, a leading television channel. A loving son, he stays in constant touch with his retired father, Krishnamurthy, and mother.
His boss, Sudarshan Babu, hires a Creative Consultant, Surya/Prabhakar Garu, their TV channel undergoes a number of changes, and he gets to interview various people. He meets with Anjali, an employee with Airtel, and both dramatically fall in love.
While investigating corrupt politicians, he comes across evidence and decides to join the gang of a gangster named Bada. Still involved in gathering evidence, his world will come crashing around him when he will be told that his parents and many others have been killed after their bus was torched by hooligans. He sets out to also trace who was responsible behind their killing - not knowing that his life is also in danger.