This sensitive social drama revolves around Sada, an elderly and immobile man with high BP. He is ignored by his sons, verbally abused by his daughters-in-law, and taunted by his grandchildren. He is heartbroken and wishes to commit suicide, and laments about how much he sacrificed in his prime to ensure that his children would get a good education and happy childhood, only to be ill treated in his old age.
With all his friends in similar situations, they collect documented study material about research in cellular biology and biochemistry that deal with reversing the ageing process and allowing people to live with youthful energy and good health for ever.
Sada's grandson takes him on a trip to a remote location and he is made to ride tired old horse. Unable to bear the burden, the horse pushes Sada into a lake. When he gets out of the lake, Sada finds himself fit and youthful again. Will he get a second chance to live out his dreams? How will people respond to this change in him?