This socially relevant drama delves into the life of Athaniparampil Balachandran (Mohanlal) who is known for his service in the society. His father (Nedumudi venu) is a retired postmaster. He lives with his wife Radhika (Devayani) and two children. Circumstances force him into debt and he is arrested in a cheating case but he manages to solve all those problems with his father's pension money.
One day a stranger (Riyaz khan) comes to meet Balachandran. He introduces himself as Bhadran and pleads for his help for his sister's marriage. Balachandran gets angry and this leads to a violence in the house and his father asks him to leave the house.
On the next day while travelling in a bus his father has a heart attack and is admitted to hospital. Later he calls Balachandran and reveals that he has another family. Balachandran, is shocked by this unexpected confession and unable to accept the truth. Upon seeing Balachandran's reaction his father suffers another cardiac arrest which leads to his death.
In his death bed he asks Balachandran to take care of his second family and also requests that his mother should never come to know about this. How will Balachandran shoulder the immense burden of the promise he has made to his father? What condition will he find his step-family in? Will he find it in his heart to truly help them?
Did you know? This movie received immense critical acclaim, winning several awards and accolades including the Kaveri Film Critics' Award for the most popular Malayalam film of 2003. Read More
This movie was one of the biggest hits in Malayalam cinema for the year 2003.
This movie received immense critical acclaim, winning several awards and accolades including the Kaveri Film Critics' Award for the most popular Malayalam film of 2003.
This film was remade in Telugu under the title 'Rajababu' with Rajasekhar enacting the male lead role.
Balettan 2003
29 Aug 2003 ● Malayalam ● 2 hrs
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