This offbeat drama revolves around Paltan, a young boy who is passionate about shooting. An exceptional sharpshooter, he spends most of his time practising the art of shooting down difficult targets.
His father, Subodh, the postmaster gets terribly angry with Paltan's behaviour and constantly chastises him and warns his family that Paltan will grow up to become a criminal.
On one occasion, Paltan accompanies a group of boys around his age as they try to gain the attention of a group of pretty young girls. Paltan follows the girls, aims at the centre of a clip one of the girls wears on her head and shoots it to the ground. While his aim was only to hit the target, a group of older boys beat him up for shocking the girls.
Paltan's uncle becomes his teacher and gives some useful lessons on how to become a better sharpshooter than ever, but he is targeted and killed by the police for mysterious reasons. Soon, Paltan begins to show off his talents to the public in order to earn a livelihood, even showcasing his ability to shoot accurately with sound cues.
Once, a wealthy and successful judge becomes very impressed with Paltan and gifts him with a powerful gun. Paltan returns home with a great deal of self-confidence and bravely showcases his talent to his disapproving father.