This fast-paced romantic comedy revolves around Bhanumati Pinisetti, aan ambitious young woman who is fondly called Bhanu (Swathi). She works works in a mall as a sales girl for an energy drink but is desperate to make quick cash.
Vamsi (Navdeep) works as a technician in the same mall. There is a ‘win-gold-coins’ scheme for the energy drink as a part of Sankranthi promotion. Bhanu gets hold of inside information about how gold is being transported. She is in desperate need of money and she seeks the help of Vamsi in robbing the gold.
Venu (Santosh) is a pizza delivery boy whose goal is to become a film actor. Yerra Babu and Dora Babu (Ram Laxman) are twins in Bheemavaram who are not in good terms. When everyone's eyes fall upon the gold, it leads to a complex sequence of events that interweaves their lives together. How will the future unfold for each of them? Will Bhanu succeed in fulfilling her goal?