Fast-paced and fiery, this socially relevant saga revolves around Ramanna (Priyadarshi) is a small-time feudal lord in Bommala Ramaram village. Cruel, selfish and greedy, Ramanna stoops to the extent of keeping his father’s dead body for over two days, just for the sake of gaining control over his property.
As his lust for power and wealth grow, Ramanna sets his eyes on his ancestral property as well as his late father’s MLA post. In order to satisfy his greed, he decides to enlist the assistance of Soori (Soori) who makes his livelihood by mediating settlements in the village.
This sparks a complex sequence of events, and soon Ramanna faces a series of conflicts with village authorities and consequently, Soori is thrown into prison imprisonment in a murder case. What will the future hold in store for Ramanna and Soori?