Interspersed with humour and excitement, this multi-layered comedy revolves around the employees of a drama company run by Anandam (Brahmanandam). Vasu (Sivaji), Srinu (Ravi Krishna), Soni (Samiksha) are the artists who play the lead male and female roles.
A stroke of great luck gives the company an opportunity to perform in Bangkok. However, much to the distress of the organiser, due to the misbehaviour and ineptitude of the male protagonists, the female lead absconds. Unable to deal with the stress, Anandam announces that whichever of the male actors is able to identify a new actress and convince her to play the role, will be given the chance to play the male lead.
Now, Vasu and Srinu delve into a desperate competition to be the one to find a new actress. Where will their endeavour take them? What kind of challenges will be facing the fulfilment of their mission? Will they be successful?