Set against a college backdrop, this youthful drama revolves around two young men, Prithvi (Nitin) and Shashank (Shashank) who are the leaders of rival gangs in the college. Although they disagree on everything, they share a common passion for rugby.
Whenever a problem crops between the two, it is usually settled with a bitter scrum on the rugby field. As it happens, the college land falls into the hands of Bikshu Yadav (Pradeep Rawat), a local gangster. This is good enough reason for the two groups to forge a common identity and fight for the land. Prithvi and Shashank bury the hatchet and get back the land.
This is too much of a bitter pill for the gangster to swallow. As a consequence, he dares the students for a rugby match with his own group. Will the youngsters succeed in maintaining their winning streak? How will their futures unfold?