This insightful relationship drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Sundaraiah (fondly known to all as Chinnabbayi), a simple and straightforward young man, who works in a women's hostel. He's very loyal to the lady who runs the unit, and she trusts him completely.
Uma Devi is an arrogant and vindictive young woman, who develops a vengeful attitude towards Chinnabbayi. She creates a scenario in which Chinnabbayi is shown to have had an illicit relationship with Parvathi, one of the hostelites and humiliated in public. In the aftermath, Parvathi commit suicide leaving Chinnabbayi completely alone, shattered and misunderstood by all.
He decides to teach Uma Devi a lesson and prove his innocence. What tactics will he employ to defeat the vindictive and vicious Uma Devi? Will he succeed in proving his innocence publicly?