Thrilling and terrifying, this tale of terror revolves around Don (Joseph Pyngrope), a caring man with a happy family, who decides to purchase a new bungalow. With a great deal of satisfaction, he moves into his new home with his wife and his sisters Lakhamti (Mitilda Nongbah) and the disabled Shida (Sylviana L.Mawlong).
Don had no idea that a family comprising of a mother, father and daughter had been brutally murdered in the same house a few years back. To add to their shock, their bodies had been dumped nearby.
When Shida finds a toy in the house and start playing with it, the spirit of the murdered girl is awakened. She makes friends with Shida. It is only when the same miscreants who brutally murdered her come in to the house with their evil intentions that the spirit chooses to possess the body of Shida in order to avenge the murderers. Will the spirit exact revenge upon the miscreants and free Shida's body? What will the future hold in store for Don and his family?