Dark and diabolical, this offbeat relationship drama revolves around Aditya Thakur, the CEO of a construction company. As a successful man, he indulges in a live-in relationship with a woman, until his father takes control and forces him to marry Sheetal, a cultured woman he deems to be a suitable life-partner for his son.
However, Aditya does not share his father's view and rejects Sheetal on all fronts. He refuses to accept her as his wife and when she makes repeated attempts to win him over, he shows his fury by attempting to rape her. Sheetal is devastated and traumatised by Aditya's callous behaviour and their relationship falls into tatters.
To add to her woes, Sheetal is abducted by Bhaskar, who rapes her. Shattered and vulnerable, she seeks solace from Aditya but the only thing he gives her is a petition for divorce. While the law requires them to stay together for a year they must overcome their differences which arise from their disturbed past and their mismatched personalities to stay together. Can they find a way to stay together or will they go their separate ways?