Did you know? The midnight phone conversation between Frost and Nixon never actually took place. Screenwriter Peter Morgan got the inspiration from well-known phone calls Nixon did make late at night to some government members during the Watergate scandal. Read More
This film is based on the 2006 play of the same name by Peter Morgan, who also wrote the screenplay.
Frank Langella and Michael Sheen acted in the original play and repeated the roles they created on stage. Ron Howard would only agree to direct if the studio would allow both actors to appear in the film version.
Frank Langella said that he usually enjoys playing cards, and joking around on movie sets, but felt it would compromise his character if he didn't remain Presidential on this set. While working on this movie, other cast and crew referred to him as "Mr. President." Langella suggests almost none of the crew ever met Frank Langella.
The midnight phone conversation between Frost and Nixon never actually took place. Screenwriter Peter Morgan got the inspiration from well-known phone calls Nixon did make late at night to some government members during the Watergate scandal.
Frost/Nixon 2009
23 Jan 2009 ● English ● 2 hrs 2 mins
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