Insightful and inspiring, this touching tale revolves around Michael, a smart young lad with a big heart. Forced to take on the full responsibility of caring for his ailing mother, he makes a living selling Guppy Fish and the sounds the nickname Guppy in the community.
Guppy dreams of giving his mother the best of everything especially a motorised wheelchair, while his mother prays for his safety and happiness. Guppy is the leader of a gang of mischiefmakers who all pine after the teenage beauty, Amina.
Their small fishing community is abuzz with excitement over the sanctioning of the railway over-bridge to bypass the railway gate that impedes free movement in their community. With great anticipation and zeal, everyone in the community awaits the arrival of the engineers from the Road and Bridges Development Corporation.
However, the arrival of Er. Thejus Varkey, the engineer in charge of the project creates great upheaval in Guppy's life. How will the relationship between these two eccentric characters unfold? What will the future hold in store for both of them?