Thrilling and terrifying, this mysterious tale revolves around Dr. Dan Challis (Tom Atkins) as he tries to solve the mysterious murder of a patient in his hospital. He travels along with the patient's daughter Ellie Grimbridge (Stacey Nelkin) to the small town of Santa Mira, California.
The pair discover that Silver Shamrock Novelties, a company run by Conal Cochran (Dan O'Herlihy), is attempting to use the mystic powers of the Stonehenge to resurrect ancient aspects of the Celtic festival, Samhain, which Cochran connects to witchcraft. Cochran plans to take advantage of the Silver Shamrock Halloween masks to achieve his goal, which will be achieved when all the children wearing his masks watch the Silver Shamrock commercial airing Halloween night. Can the duo stop Cochran from successfully completing his evil mission?