Embedded with fast-paced action and charged emotion, this youthful, family-oriented romantic drama revolves around Suresh, a talented, high-achieving college student who lives with his younger sister, Swapna and their mother. As a confident and fearless young man, Suresh has some enemies and rivals in college. When dark rumours are started in college, insinuating that Swapna is having a love affair with another student, Shyamsundar, their mother intervenes and tries to ensure that the young lovers get married. Shyam is a gentle, well-to-do young man whose parents live in Singapore. Everyone is very happy with the match and Shyam and Suresh become good friends.
Just prior to the marriage, Lal one of Suresh's enemies in college, who lusts after Swapna picks a fight with Suresh and in the ensuing chaos, Swapna is accidentally killed. Lal's father, Rajasekharan is an exceedingly wealthy mafia kingpin, who is willing to go to any lengths to protect his son. He hires one of the best criminal defense lawyers for him. At the same time, Suresh's mother takes a promise from him not to do anything violent or dangerous. Unable to bring Lal to justice, Suresh and his mother leave the place and travel to Madras in an effort to move on.
In Madras, Suresh's marriage is fixed with the sister of a police officer. He comes across an infamous con woman known only as Madras Girl and develops a special relationship with her. What is Suresh's relationship with Madras Girl? Will Suresh have an opportunity to exact revenge upon Lal and Rajasekharan for his sister's death?
Renowned director, Priyadarshan appeared as a cameo in this movie, in the restaurant scene.
Hello Madras Girl 1983
24 Jan 1983 ● Malayalam ● 2 hrs 20 mins
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