A technical failure has endangered the lives of the people on board Peninsula Flight 2549. The pilots are striving, along with their colleagues in the Control Center, to find a solution. The flight attendants and the chief steward are atypical, baroque characters who, in the face of danger, try to forget their own personal problems and devote themselves body and soul to the task of making the flight as enjoyable as possible for the passengers, while they wait for a solution. Life in the clouds is as complicated as it is at ground level, and for the same reasons, which could be summarized in two: sex and death.
Did you know? There are many references to Pedro Almodóvar's universe throughout the film. The name of the plane is Chavela Blanca, in clear reference to Pedro's beloved singer and friend Chavela Vargas and to another of his most cherished friends, the late Blanca Sánchez. The air company Peninsula is shortened in the plane top wing as Pe, Penélope Cruz's renowned nickname. Read More
This movie marks Antonio Banderas's 7th collaboration with Pedro Almodóvar and Penélope Cruz's 5th collaboration. However, this will be the first time they star in an Almodovar movie together.
There are many references to Pedro Almodóvar's universe throughout the film. The name of the plane is Chavela Blanca, in clear reference to Pedro's beloved singer and friend Chavela Vargas and to another of his most cherished friends, the late Blanca Sánchez. The air company Peninsula is shortened in the plane top wing as Pe, Penélope Cruz's renowned nickname.
There is a small role for Agustin Almodóvar just like almost all of Pedro Almodóvar's movies. Agustin being the producer and Pedro's brother he plays a tower controller at the landing airport in the end of the movie.
Alberto San Juan had to turn down a role due to prior stage commitments.
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