Divine and devotional, this family drama revolves around Jimli, a sweet school-going teenager. Although she lives in the city with all material comforts, Jimli loves Tara Ma, a form of the goddess Kali, as she is extremely close to her grandmother, who has imbibed her with a strong value system.
Jimli's parents Mrs and Mr Roy are materialistic and ambitious. They want her daughter to learn Western music and conduct herself in a westernised and sophisticated fashion, that is popular in society. Their expectations hurt Jimli and she seeks solace in her prayers to Tara Ma, further angering her parents.
As Mr Roy tries to fulfill his ambitions, he meets a dangerous crowd of people who beat him up, forcibly get him to sign on property papers and throw him out of a car causing life-threatening injuries. While Mr Roy fights for his life, Jimli prays to Tara Ma to save him. How will the goddess respond to Jimli's prayers? Can Mr Roy return to his family and set his life back on track?