Fast-paced and funny, this multi-layered drama revolves around Ah Boon and his friends, who are a fun-loving group. In an effort to make quick cash, they decide to open up an illegal gambling business.
Ah Boon's girlfriend Skye gives him a lot of money to help her set up a restaurant, but instead, he uses the money to set up a casino. When she learns the truth, she is furious and gives him an ultimatum to return the money or else. Now, Ah Boon he is desperate to return her money at the earliest so that he can gain her forgiveness.
Meanwhile, the thriving business made by the casino antagonises a rival gang that has been operating an illegal gambling business in the area for a long period of time. The rival gang's boss Kong Aik warns Boon to close his activities, but when Boon refuses, the two groups get entangled in violent conflict with complex consequences. How will Ah Boon and Skye resolve their differences and escape the danger they find themselves in?