Inspired from real life events, this thrilling murder mystery revolves around Vihari, the son of a rich mill owner, who falls into the clutches of crooks led by Kalidas, aka the Black Cobra, who has designs on Nirmala, Vihari's wife. Will Vihari and his family succeed in escaping from the clutches of the Black Cobra? What will the future hold in store for them? Will the Black Cobra be brought to justice for his crimes?
The Bombay Chronicle (5 January 1924) advertised this film as 'a thrilling plot revealing various styles of treacherous fraud of the modern civilisation and dreadful assassination for the the ardent desire of wealth or passions and rape and ravishment by attrocious villains'.
The story of this film is based on a major scandal in Bombay known as the Champsi-Haridas murder case.
Kala Naag 1924
01 Jan 1924 ● Silent ● Running Time: TBA
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