This dramatic tale revolves around Janu, a beautiful young woman who works as a maid-servant in the bungalow of a wealthy woman, whose son is Chandru, a timid and sexually repressed young man who lusts after Janu. Janu has Sumathi, her younger sister to support, and is in relationship with Vasu, an alcoholic lorry driver. Vasu is deeply in love with Janu and supports her financially, but although she likes him, she does not accept his advances outwardly.
Vasu gives money to Sumathi to celebrate her birthday and leaves in his lorry to make more money. However, when he returns, he finds out that Sumathi has had a severe accident, resulting in a head injury and loss of eyesight.
Janu is desperate for Rs. 1500 for Sumathi's treatment, but even Vasu is unable to get so much money on short notice. Janu requests her employer to give her the money as an advance, but she agrees to pay only a small sum.
However, Janu is able to collect Rs. 1500 and pay for Sumathi's surgery. How did she get this money? The police are brought to the house of Janu's employer due to missing money. Was Janu responsible for the theft?
Then, while the investigation into the theft is in progress, Janu is found mysteriously murdered and Vasu is arrested for the crime? Is Vasu the real culprit? If not, who committed the crime and will the killer be brought to justice?