This romantic drama revolves around Malliswari, a beautiful young woman who is the sole heiress of the Raja of Mirjapur. Her deceased father has stated in his Will that she would inherit the property worth 750 crores on her 21st birthday.
The entire wealthy is under the control of Bhavani Prasad, who wants to inherit the entire property by killing her. As he hatches the plans to eliminate Malliswari, she is sent to Vizag to a relative's place as a normal girl so that she can live with anonymity. Prasad works as accountant in Andhra Bank at Vizag. He is a bachelor who has been desperately seeking a suitable marriage alliance for the past seven years.
He accidentally meets Malliswari and falls deeply in love with her. Malliswari is traced by the goons in Vizag, who begin to hunt her down. Prasad escorts her and drops her safely in Hyderabad. How will the relationship between Prasad and Malliswari evolve? What will the future hold in store for them?