This sensual romantic thriller revolves around Sonia (Vidya) a beautiful young woman. A handsome man, Vicky is in love with Sonia but she rejects him and gets married to Jeet. Consequently Vicky becomes heartbroken and depressed, decides to get far away from Sonia and moves to a new city.
In a beautiful bungalow near Vicky's rented apartment lives Sanjana, an attractive young woman who is deeply infatuated with Vicky from the first moment. Initially Vicky rejects her, but she pursues him and succeeds in becoming sexually intimate with him. Vicky feels guilty about the act and apologises to Sanjana.
In course of time, Sonia's marriage with Jeet collapses and she returns to Vicky seeking solace. They get back together again and decide to get married. However, Sanjana becomes jealous and obsessed to the extent that she would go to any lengths to keep Vicky, even kill Sonia. Will Vicky and the police succeed in protecting Sonia from Sanjana's threat?