A couple with a newborn baby move into a new neighborhood and face unexpected difficulties following the establishment of a fraternity house in the adjacent residence, leading to escalating conflict between the two parties, in this movie dubbed in Hindi.
Did you know? The entire cast and crew became very attached to the twin baby girls Elise Vargas and Zoey Vargas, who played Stella. The entire cast and crew went to the set on the babies' last day of filming, so they could say goodbye to them. Read More
Continuity Characters appear and disappear in the background while Kelly and Mac are speaking as their new neighbors move in.
Continuity During the fight with Teddy and Mac, Teddy is wearing gray underwear in the bedroom/waterbed shots, but when Teddy is coming up the stairs to his room, he is wearing white underwear.
Factual Mistake It's a plot point that there were four airbags stolen from the car. That model (late '90s Subaru Outback) only has two, one each for driver and front passenger.
Revealing Mistakes Obvious stunt doubles in during the fight between Mac and Teddy.
Efron and Rogen first noticed they had great chemistry at the film’s first table read.
Every actors took major pay cuts in order to help save money for the budget, in particular, Seth Rogen and Zac Efron.
Efron used to lift weights intensely in between takes for a lot of the scenes. Stoller says he never touched Efron’s abs during production.
There was ample room for improvisation and trying out of all the bizarre spontaneous ideas in the movie.
Barinholtz met Seth Rogen when they did 'Eastbound & Down' a few years ago, and Barinholtz used that connection to land an audition for 'Neighbors'. He plays Jimmy Blevins, who is the best friend of Rogen’s character, Mack.
Apparently, writers usually don’t get treated well on film sets, but since the key players in the movie started out as writers, a very friendly and kind atmosphere was created for the writers of the movie.
An experimental new editing method with Avid was used in the movie to take out actors who are distracting in the background of shots and replace them with their better takes.
The entire cast and crew became very attached to the twin baby girls Elise Vargas and Zoey Vargas, who played Stella. The entire cast and crew went to the set on the babies' last day of filming, so they could say goodbye to them.
Efron and Rogen feel that their characters both do villainous things to each other, but they also can be sympathetic at times. The film has no clear-cut villains or heroes.
The film was originally written as Mac and his friends going against the fraternity, but after Seth Rogen's wife read the script, she said that his friends would not care about the fraternity war, and suggested writing Mac's wife into the script instead.
Became the fourth largest R-rated comedy in history after its opening weekend total of 49,033,915 dollars.
Was originally titled Townies, but was changed to Neighbors.
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