Evocative and provocative, this soulful and insightful relationship drama delves into the twists and turns in the life of Madhavan Kutty, who is madly in love with Rangamani. However, when he travels away from home, he becomes closely associated with a lonely widow. Slowly but surely, they become attracted to each other and in an effort to wipe away her sorrow and pain, Madhavan Kutty starts an affair with her. The affair continues till the older woman, who already has a daughter, becomes pregnant.
Madhavan Kutty does not understand the seriousness of his actions, until she proposes marriage. It is then that he remembers his love for Rangamani and that he had already married her unofficially. What will Madhavan Kutty do? Will he stay behind and become a father or will he return home to marry Rangamani? What does the future hold in store for Madhavan Kutty, the widow, their unborn fetus and the innocent Rangamani?