This family-oriented romantic comedy revolves around the Reddy family, whose daughters Divya and Ramya are extremely close to each other. They do everything together, share all their experiences of sorrow and success, and are completely inseparable. There is only one subject that causes conflict between them, that of love. Whilst Ramya is deeply in love with Srinivasa Sastry, Divya is averse to the very concept of love.
Knowing that the cause of Divya's bitterness is her childhood experience, when Rajesh her first love at the age of eight deserted her, Srinivasa and Ramya decide that the only way to get Divya to bless their union, would be to bring Rajesh back into her life. So, they hire Narasimha to pose as the long-lost Rajesh.
At this critical juncture in their lives, their father who is a Major in the Indian Armed Forces returns home for a month long holiday. How will Divya's relationship with the impostor unfold? How will she react when the truth is revealed to her? Will their father approve of their respective choice of mate and bless their marriages?