User Reviews for One

Don't Miss...

so, this evening watched One with music with two thirds of seats occupied in a small theatre. colours, light and one voice creating magic, captured in all its splendour. T.M. Krishna changes shawls and shirts to merge into the background - gentle blue, stagnant water ripples, slowly he starts almost a hum, morning mist being driven by light, sun rises and so does the song as the whites in his dress catch and merge into the golden clouds, autumn leaves, chirping birds, old tree, he sings a bhakthi note, flowing water, gentle breeze elicits a slow and amazing ocean spirit, little white flowers, termites in trees, moss in rocks, large roots, horizontal tree branch, dramatic grey, moving clouds, golden sun, earthen tea cup all are artists as he gives into the mood and brings out the best in himself and in the process several amazing pieces of music; and then it ends, as he pauses, as though a thought that holds unsung - promise of a sequel?
do go if you haven't, before the good intentions of a multi-plex owner is overruled by their commercial demands. this one is an experience to cherish...