"Pothli" is a feature film based on the theme of women's safety and a secure society in Uttarakhand. The protagonist, Shambhu, demands justice against three boys who commit a heinous act with his only daughter. Shambhu and his wife deeply love their daughter, but Shambhu cannot bear her suffering and wanders aimlessly like a madman. When he sees no way out, he takes the law into his own hands in the end. Shambhu kills those three boys and surrenders himself to the police. The main objective of the film is to prevent increasing incidents of crimes against women in the country and to send a message to such criminals not to indulge in such horrific acts. At the same time, there is also a message hidden in the film about strengthening faith in the judicial system by ultimately punishing Shambhu through the court, conveying the importance of trust in the justice system.