This offbeat drama revolves around Sandeep, a carefree young man who wishes to take a break after completing his engineering degree. So, he takes a vacation to Hyderabad and visits a struggling filmmaker, Ram Nepal Varma. He also meets and falls in love with Anjali, a beautiful young woman.
In a strange twist, he happens to ridicule a renowned astrologer Sharma (Vijaya Chandar) in a seminar. After looking at Sandeep's birth chart, Sharma announces that Sandeep would be going through 3 important incidents of his life in next 30 days. The three radical events in the prediction are that he would become a millionaire overnight, he would suddenly become a famous celebrity with no real personal effort, and the final one being that he would kill a person in public with lots of witnesses.
When the first two incidents occur as per the astrologer's predictions, Sandeep becomes afraid that the third prediction might also come true and desperately begins searching for the astrologer's whereabouts, to request his guidance on how to avert the third prediction. Will he succeed in doing so or will his destiny turn him into a killer?