Interspersed with humour, this family-oriented action drama revolves around Siva (Naveen), an aimless youngster, who leads a lazy and carefree life. As he is spoiled by his doting family, he decides that he would not do any work at any Indian salary, but would like to go to Dubai and earn in foreign currency.
Siva's protective elder brother wishes to fulfil his desire and takes a loan to fund Siva's trip to Dubai..After reaching Dubai, Siva realizes that he has been duped by his employment agent in Hyderabad. After a complex sequence of events, Siva is picked up local mafia gang in Dubai and is framed in a murder case.
Siva's brother goes to Dubai to bring back his brother through illegal means. In the process, Siva's brother is killed by Dubai police. Siva's family members blaming him for his elder brother's death feel hurt and angry. Realising the error of his ways, Siva decides to become a responsible and good human being, but will he succeed in earning the forgiveness and approval of his family through his good deeds?