Embedded with quirky comedy and intense emotion, this family-oriented drama revolves around Seeta, a bold and confident young woman. Her father Sathya is an honest and hard-working factory worker, whose greatest wealth is his integrity. Ramu is a hard-working young man from an impoverished background, who rents a portion in their house. Ramu is a skilled carpenter, craftsman and artist who makes beautiful wooden statues and sculptures.
One day, Seeta and her friends tease Rani, the daughter of the wealthiest man in town. When she complains about the incident to her father, he tries to argue with Sathya, his childhood friend, but despite all their arguments and differences of opinion, their friendship remains strong and firm.
When Rani's marriage is fixed with Prakash, a wealthy businessman, her father encourages Sathya to get Seeta also married. However, when all hope is lost due to heavy dowry demands and lack of funds, Ramu comes forward to marry her.
The movie chronicles the sharp contrast between the two couples; Rani and her husband begin with wealth and pomp, while Seeta and Ramu begin their marital lives in poverty. While Prakash and Ramu begin a business as partners, soon there is a rift between the two. Prakash is a sophisticated businessman who only looks at the bottom line, while Ramu is a skilled craftsman who respects his co-workers and wishes to share the profits with everyone. What will the future hold in store for these two couples? Will Seeta and Ramu manage to find success in life with honest hard work and perseverance? How will the experiences of the two couples influence the friendship between the two families?