This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Hari Prasad (Sarvadaman Banerjee), a blind flutist, who lives along with his younger sister in a village nearby Jaipur, which is an international tourist attraction. Though he lacks knowledge of classical music, he plays the flute beautifully and makes a living by performing for tourists.
One day, a woman who works as a tourist guide Jyothirmai (Moon Moon Sen) comes there along with a group of tourists and listens to his pperformance. She understands his talent and helps him understand nature and to become a famous flutist.
Years pass and Hari Prasad becomes Pandit Hari Prasad. Unbeknownst to her, Hari Prasad admires her very much and dedicates all his albums to her. Meanwhile, a mute painter Subhashini (Suhasini) who meets him in his village, falls deeply in love with him. Subhashini expresses her feelings through her paintings and gradually her brother understands her feelings for Hari Prasad.
He approaches Hari Prasad's uncle with a marriage proposal. However, it is at this critical juncture that Hari Prasad reveals his admiration for Jyothirmai. This shocks Jyothirmai as she previously worked as an escort for wealthy tourists. She tries to reveal glimpses of her painful past, but is overwhelmed by Hari Prasad's pure love and his disregard for societal judgements. Though she herself admires him, she feels that she would taint him with her impure past. She politely rejects Hari Prasad's proposal stating that she is already engaged to be married to a doctor. Hari Prasad does not argue as Jyothirmai's happiness is paramount to him and he has no reason to suspect the truth of her statement.
On her supposed wedding day Jyothirmai commits suicide and requests in her last note that her eyes should be donated to Hari Prasad. She also requests that her funeral procession should be made to appear like a marriage procession and that her death should be hidden from Hari Prasad. Everyone tries to fulfil her last wish. Will Hari Prasad remain unaware of Jyothirmai's ultimate sacrifice?