Interspersed with humour, this family-oriented drama revolves around Lakshmi, a beautiful young woman. She is an orphan, but grows up into a bold and vivacious young woman due to the love and care of her grandfather.
When Murthy and a group of young men from the city come to Lakshmi's village preaching celibacy (Bramacharyam) along with insinuations that women tempt and spoil the lives of men, Lakshmi is incensed. She sets off to prove them wrong and sparks fly between Murthy and Lakshmi. The sparks soon turn into love and the young couple get married. They have a son, but complications during delivery cause Lakshmi's uterus to be removed, ensuring that the couple would be unable to have any more children.
The young couple bring up their only son Suresh, with lots of love and care. Lakshmi is excessively attached to Suresh and is unable to bear any slight discomfort that her child is faced with.
Then, when Lakshmi leaves Suresh in Murthy's care to visit a temple to pray for their good health and longevity, the child dies in a tragic accident. Knowing that Lakshmi never be able to recover from the trauma of her son's death, Murthy decides to hide the truth.
In a quirk of fate, Ramesh a taxi driver Karmegham's son is identical to Suresh in appearance, but is mentally unstable. How long will Murthy be able to hide the truth from Lakshmi? Will the truth about Ramesh and Suresh be revealed or will there be another twist in the tale?