User Reviews for The Conjuring 2

Not bad

முதல் பாகத்தின் விறுவிறுப்பு இரண்டாம் பாகத்தில் இல்லை

The one liner for this movie is ...."Resist evil and you will be free from all " !

Conjuring #2....
A well performed role by the small girl Nancy , The whole theater had to applaud on her performance on how she was made to be possessed n for her age trying to save her family and another side when isolated from everyone including her dear friends and siblings... 'The Conjuring 2' is intriguing but not terrifying as expected ! Not that I nor my friends didnot jump out of their seats or me n us screamed ...:P A must watch movie in a good theater for the BGM to have the real effect of the movie ...wonderful screenplay and the twists and turns which made sense in the end of the movie and to know this was a true story..appreciate the guts of the girl in real world and her mother who supported her unconditionally, Special mention towards Lorraine and Ed Warren for their belief ! A movie which has to be watched only in movies ! Enjoy your weekend with Conjuring ;) Happy weekend !