Salesmen Billy and Nick find themselves unemployed in the digital world. In a bid to prove their competence, they try to bag an internship at Google, where they must beat some tech-savvy geniuses.
Google let the production to shoot for five days at the Googleplex Headquarters, but most of film was shot at the Georgia Institute of Technology at Atlanta, where the film crew made the set look as accurate as the real one.
Although Google didn't pay to be in the movie, the company was allowed control over how their products were to be depicted. For example, the filmmakers wanted a scene where the self-driving car crashes, but Google wanted the scene removed, because the product hadn't launched yet.
One hundred real Google employees were used as extras in the film.
Will Ferrell's neck tattoo is neither in Sanskrit nor in Hindi. It reads " Make reasonable choices", but it is basically English written in Devanagari form (with spelling mistakes) instead of Roman form.
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