The story about the relationship between a rebellious 50s teenager and his abusive father, based on the memoirs of writer and literature professor Tobias Wolff.
Did you know? Leonardo DiCaprio grew a few inches over the course of filming and he had to slouch in several scenes to look smaller next to Robert De Niro. Read More
This film is adapted from the memoir of the same name by American author Tobias Wolff.
This movie marks the film debut of Tobey Maguire, who had first auditioned for the part of Toby. However, Director Michael Caton-Jones thought he wasn't right for the role. Leonardo DiCaprio, who is close friends with Maguire, still wanted him to be a part of the film, so he got him the role of Toby's friend Chuck Bolger.
After seeing Leonardo DiCaprio's acting in this movie, Robert De Niro called Martin Scorsese to tell him about the kid and he must check him out. Scorsese has since said that this was very unusual as De Niro wouldn't normally have this level of praise for a fellow actor.
Leonardo DiCaprio grew a few inches over the course of filming and he had to slouch in several scenes to look smaller next to Robert De Niro.
This Boy's Life 1993
23 Apr 1993 ● English ● 1 hr 55 mins
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