Laden with laughs, this upbeat romantic comedy revolves around the adventures of young Ragupathy, who is brought up by his paternal grandfather Valayapathy. Under the guidance of his grandfather, he goes to the city in search of a new job and life.
While in the city he meets Senthil, who guides him into an interview in a 5-star hotel owned by Rajkumar. While employed in the hotel, Ragupathy meets Kowsalya and falls in love with her.
During this time, there are numerous threats on Rajkumar's life and it falls upon Ragupathy to investigate into these murderous plots and find the culprits. Who is trying to kill Rajkumar and why? What is the connection between Rajkumar and Ragupathy?
Did you know? This film is the remake of the Bollywood film Namak Halaal (1982), starring Amitabh Bachchan, Shashi Kapoor, Smita Patil and Parveen Babi in the lead. Read More
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