This scintillating romantic thriller revolves around Ravi (Pulakit) a playboy, who runs his grandfather's book publishing company. One of the writers he manages is Divya (Mona Chopra), a novel writer, who is also a manipulative seductress. She seduces Ravi and squeezes him for as much money and other benefits as possible.
Radhika (Mitika) is a well-meaning family friend, who is also beautiful and honest. Slowly, Ravi becomes influenced and impressed by her good qualities, falls in love with her and tries to entangle himself from Divya's claws.
Then, in an unfortunate turn of events, Radhika meets with a tragic accident and passes away. Was her death truly an unfortunate accident? Will Radhika succeed in exposing the truth, beyond the grave? How will Ravi's future unfold?