Inspired from a tremendously successful television sitcom, this crime-mystery thriller follows the present-day adventures of a young woman who used to moonlight as a private investigator under the tutelage of her detective father, even while she was a teenager in high school.
Now, 'Veronica Mars' finds Kristen Bell’s titular character returning to her hometown of Neptune for her 10-year high school reunion, only to find a new mystery she has to solve.
Did you know? Will begin filming in the summer of 2013, six years after the original TV series was canceled and almost ten years since the show first premiered. Read More
Before coming back for the reunion, Veronica had just finished her time at Columbia Law and was out looking for a job at a law firm.
The aesthetic look of the movie is almost identical to that of the show, from the cinematography, to the lighting, to even the composition of the shots.
The movie was shot in a 23 day shooting schedule. Although the pressure on the cast was strong, it was much easier since the cast already knew their characters so well.
Veronica Mars obviously has very dedicated fans, and Hansen and Dohring shared two of their more interesting fan encounters. Hansen was approached by a fan at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and Dohring once received a pirate’s chest full of items pertaining to the show.
Will begin filming in the summer of 2013, six years after the original TV series was canceled and almost ten years since the show first premiered.
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