This sentimental family drama revolves around a close-knit and loving family. They have two sons Peddodu (elder) (Venkatesh) and Chinnodu (younger) (Mahesh Babu) and a daughter.
The brothers have completely different personalities – Peddodu does not like to change himself to please others and is very introverted. Chinnodu, on the other hand, likes to make others change for himself and will fight for what is right. However, the two brothers are as close as they can be.
When Peddodu is told to change his ways and be more friendly and talkative, he quits his job and the constant pressure on him to open up, slowly begins to cause a rift between the brothers.
With the family ready to choose prospective life partners for both brothers, more complications begin to arise causing further misunderstanding and heartache. Will the brothers succeed in choosing the ideal mate for themselves? Can they effectively resolve their issues and go back to becoming the loving, peaceful and united family they always were?